Almost 36% of the population turns to aesthetic medicine, 40% after the age of 26.
May 9, 2024

Currently, 35.9 percent of the Spanish population uses Aesthetic Medicine services, which represents a growth of 5.4 percentage points in the last two years, and of those who turn to it, four out of ten do so starting from the age of 26, according to a study presented this Wednesday by the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine (SEME).

The study, which aims to provide a complete picture of the sector in Spain, shows that the current consumer has changed significantly in recent years, with an increase in the number of both female and male patients. Thus, five out of ten women and two out of ten men are current users of aesthetic treatments.

61.8 percent of patients go to the center based on recommendations from friends and family, while young people mainly use the Internet to get information. In addition, there is a growing trend towards starting in the world of Aesthetic Medicine at increasingly younger ages.

When it comes to facial, body, and hair treatments, the consumer profile is between the ages of 28 and 32 and between 35 and 39 years old for 'antiaging' prevention treatments.

“The emergence of selfies, the diffusion that aesthetic medicine has on social networks, and the influence they have on young people, has led those under 26 years old to enter the world of Aesthetic Medicine through lip fillers with hyaluronic acid and other preventive treatments with botulinum toxin,” state the medical society.

Most demanded treatments

56.7 percent of Aesthetic Medicine patients choose exclusively facial treatments, which represents an increase of 5 points in the last three years. Meanwhile, 20 percent of the population claims to perform facial and body treatments indistinctly.

Dermal fillers and botulinum toxin are the most demanded treatments by the population. As pointed out, the main concern of young people is to combat cellulite and reduce body fat; meanwhile, older individuals opt for hyperpigmentation treatments, spots, and photorejuvenation.

“To these needs is added the new American trend of injecting lower doses of botulinum toxin to decrease or prevent certain pathologies before they appear,” explain SEME.

The main reason why patients decide to undergo an Aesthetic Medicine treatment is to improve their appearance and look good. The youngest do it to gain self-esteem and show the best version of themselves, while the older segments do it to reduce the signs of aging.

According to them, “aesthetic treatments have become a guarantee of health for a broad percentage of the population”.

    Almost 36% of the population turns to aesthetic medicine, 40% after the age of 26.
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